Are you sick of trying to treat your symptoms but getting nowhere?
I do not just treat symptoms but rather uncover the underlying cause of why you are experiencing those symptoms to begin with. Once uncovered this allows us the opportunity to put together the proper nutritional and lifestyle program for you utilizing the specific nutrients that your body requires to clear out infection, repair organs and systems, heal your gut, boost immune system, and regain balance.
Its time to feel great again once and for all!
Each body is unique...... there is no single program, diet, or supplement protocol that will work for everyone.
I can help uncover the imbalances your body is experiencing whether it be a toxic overload such as yeast, chemicals, metals, parasites, Immune Challenges and underlying infections, inflammation from the foods you are eating, or a nutritional deficiency such as vitamin, mineral, enzyme, amino acids, etc. With this knowledge I am able to compile a unique health improvement program to meet your body’s needs and bring balance back to your body once and for all.
I specialize in creating "customized HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS"
Healing takes time and commitment........There are no quick fixes to healing and recovery
Although we are a society of instant gratification, the body does not always work that way. Sometimes making small changes over time is the best option to change your habits and your health. I understand that life gets in the way sometimes and there is a learning curve involved and I am here to work with you to create the best program possible to fit your current situation and work side by side with you through the process to ensure success.
What To Expect!
Your First One on One Visit
Your first visit with me will last approximately 60 minutes. The initial visit consists of an in-depth review of your health concerns and goals as we gather information on all aspects of your health including past trauma/illnesses or surgery, family medical history, environmental exposures, medications, current supplementation, diet, emotions, exercise habits, relaxation and more. For in office visits I will complete a few key non-invasive physical assessment procedures as well. In a few cases we begin nutritional support recommendations on the first visit, but generally between the first and second visit, I will be reviewing all of your information and designing a comprehensive health improvement plan taking into consideration all of your goals and needs.
We will discuss the findings of your initial assessment, options for Nutritional support and lifestyle changes including diet, supplementation, or other modifications that are tailored to you. Together, we will decide which healing program options are most appropriate for you at this time in your life. It is fundamental that you feel empowered to make decisions about your health and healing process while receiving the guidance and support that you need so we offer several package options to work with us to achieve this.
During the initial visit as well as follow up visits I may recommend specific lab testing or additional therapies that I feel are needed for proper investigation or resolution of your unique imbalances to provide you with the most efficient healing course to re-establish balance to the hormone, immune, and digestive systems.
Your Follow-Up Visits
Follow-up visits are generally scheduled every 4 weeks depending on case to monitor your progress and, if necessary, to refine and expand your plan of care. As you regain a sense of vitality, our visits will focus on health maintenance through the development of a personalized health maintenance plan. The frequency of your visits will depend on the pace of your progress, the type of therapy you choose, and the amount of support you need to implement the recommended changes. Healing takes time and proper follow up visits along with commitment and participation in your program are essential for success.
Because we understand that embarking on a healing journey is a difficult process especially when you are not feeling well we have put together an incredibly supportive and well thought out one on one program that will keep you committed, help alleviate any fears or problems along the way, and keep you moving in the right direction along your healing journey.
Trust me I know more than anyone how frustrating it can be to be given a bunch of information, lab tests, and supplements and then sent home with no communication until your next visit. We want to do everything we can to alleviate this feeling of frustration and aloneness and create a sense of partnership throughout this journey. This is why we only take on a small handful of clients at a time.
It is my experience over the last 19 years that those who are successful are those who understand and appreciate that this process is a marathon not a sprint and that healing requires time and a great deal of work. If you are ready to join a team that has your back and the experience and expertise to guide and support you throughout the healing process then check out our packages below and click on the "schedule now" button to stop dealing with symptoms and start healing!
Your Personal designed healing Program
Your intensive comprehensive program that we will put together for you provides multiple phases of healing. During this time we will assess and address imbalances within all organs and systems along with detoxification pathways. Clients typically require a 6-12 month time frame to give us the opportunity to support the body properly through each phase of healing.
First phase includes addressing detoxification and digestion pathways to get things flowing properly in preparation for your next phase
Second phase will address pathogen eradication (parasite, fungus/yeast, bacteria, and virus)
Third phase will address gut health. Repairing that mucosal barrier (leaky gut) and rebuilding vital bio-terrain to create proper balance within the digestive system to remain pathogen free and support a strong immune system.
Fourth phase will focus on balancing hormones and repairing adrenal/thyroid function while normalizing all nutrient deficiencies or imbalances.
What to expect during your healing program:
*60 minute initial consultation and evaluation to fully explore getting to the root of your health challenges and goals/struggles and setting up a customized program to address these underlying conditions and rebuild your health. During this visit we will determine the course thats best for you and you will be given recommendations for supplementation and possible lab tests or additional therapies needed to make the best out of your healing program.
*30 minute follow up visits every 2-4 weeks depending on severity of case and need for support to re-evaluate progress and adjust healing program as necessary as body makes changes over the month.
Individual support with education and health tips consisting of diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction, digestion and lymph flow, and supplementation info to keep you progressing on your journey to wellness.
*Review of any previous labs within the last 90 days or any labs we decide upon running during program will be given during normal visits but any additional review that goes over our office visit time will be charged accordingly.
***Please note that many health imbalances took years to create and it may take you some time to clean out, repair, and rebalance. This is not a quick fix. We are committed to our clients 110% and we expect the same level of commitment from our clients. This mean we expect you to remember and show up for ALL follow up appointments as recommended. It is also expected that you stick with you supplement protocol 100% to ensure best results and follow any additional recommendations you are given. We are thrilled to work with anyone who is completely committed to their healing journey and ready to do whatever it takes to get there.
For Single In Office/ Phone Consultation:
First appointment: Will last approximately 60 minutes. The initial visit affords the opportunity to discuss health concerns in depth, e.g. a full history investigating the health of all systems of the body from birth to present day. Multiple complaints can be addressed as well as mental & emotional imbalances.
Follow up visits: Will last approximately 30 minutes and we will reassess your physical state and make appropriate changes to your protocol to continue moving you in the right direction.
NOTE: The office visit fees do not include any products or supplements, lab testing, procedures or follow up consults. Also, costs for labs does not include follow up visits to discuss them.
Phone consults—same charge as in office visits.
Emails / phone calls: I will answer short email questions at no charge, but if the emails become very frequent or longer than five minutes, we will charge as for a regular office visit. This allows us to give you the one-on-one time you need for quality care. Messages and emails are answered in the order in which they are received. I will make every effort to answer all email and phone calls within 24 hours of receiving them during business hours Monday—Thursday from 8:00am to 5:00pm.
Report of Lab Findings Visit:
Report of lab findings visits for initial labs each lab $150.00 (Included in 90 day program)
Follow-up labs $150 for 30 minute consult each additional 15 minutes will be billed at $75
Method of Payment:
Method of payment: Cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express...sorry at this time we do not accept checks, payment plans, or insurance nor will most insurance cover your visit.
Cancellation Policy:
As a courtesy, please call to cancel at least 48 hours prior to your appointment. Failure to do so will result in an automatic full visit charge cancellation fee. Thank you for your understanding and consideration.
Click on links below for new client paperwork:
****All paperwork must be filled out and brought with you to your visit. If you are doing a phone or skype consult paperwork must be sent in at least 2 days prior to your visit**** We will not see you without COMPLETED PAPERWORK prior to scheduled appointment time.
In person visits - Print out paperwork and bring all forms fully completed to your appointment.
Phone consults - Download files and save to your computer. Fill out, re-save, and email back to us at:
Waiver/Doctor Notification Policy and Cancellation form must be printed and hand signature then scanned and emailed back to us or mailed in prior to visit.
Waiver/Doctor Notification Policy
Symptom Survey
New Client Intake Form
Cancellation Form