I went from fatigued, in daily pain, chronic allergies and headaches, extreme hormonal imbalance and frustrated with unresolved health issues for years to happy healthy and full of energy in my 40's.....and so can you!!!!

I'm Brandy Augustine PhD. Im a single mother of two healthy happy (now grown) boys, a lover of all things nature, a nurturer and friend, a health seeker, a lifetime student, and a woman seeking balance and joy in life.

My health issues started at birth but really hit an all time low in my mid 20's and early 30's when my boys were young. As i watched my energy levels drop to almost non existent and my health deteriorate before my eyes I decided after frustration with conventional medicines lack of answers and resolution to my health that I would take things into my own hands.

The education i immersed myself in and the culminating years of research and self applicable healing techniques i learned led me to what is now a thriving practice helping thousands of individuals regain control of their own health using the same techniques that allowed me to finally heal and feel great again. These tried and true techniques have been successfully applied to hundreds and hundreds of other suffering clients who now feel as amazing as myself.

Through this healing journey I was able to overcome my chronic frustrating digestive issues and infections, balance my hormones, increase my energy levels so my kids can barely even keep up with me, and build a strong immune system.

I often think back to how I used to have chronic depressing thoughts that life was going to be years of extreme fatigue, digestive issues, hormone imbalance, insomnia, joint and body pain until i ended up with an even more serious disease and never getting the chance to enjoy spending active engaged time with my kids, friends and family, and experiencing travel activities, or even simply feeling good when i woke up everyday.

Today life is full of adventure and joy. I wake up without an alarm clock everyday and I'm ready to hit the ground running. I don't require that second or third or even fourth cup of coffee to get me through my day like I had for so many years before. I can get up at 4:30 and drive 5 hours to go visit my son at college and then spend the rest of the day enjoying him and his city until my body is naturally ready for bed at 10:00. I can eat at a restaurant without leaving bloated and gassy. I can sleep soundly through the night without experiencing night sweats and heart palpitations. I can hike for 4 hours without needing 3 days to recover after. I maintain a fairly perfect weight without trying and my monthly cycle is like clockwork and painless.

If you are reading this page right now I'm pretty sure that you can relate to my troubles in the past. And oh boy can I tell you I know exactly how difficult it makes it to live a normal life when you feel that way. And I can also tell you that I know what its like to have all my friends and family look at me not understanding how horrible I feel because on the surface I "look healthy" to them.

What I've learned that i share with all of my clients that i work with:

  • There is no "one size fits all" answer to healing

  • Sometimes a client needs a combination of both conventional medication and natural therapies until they reach a certain level of healing

  • The greatest healing happens when you find and address the root cause

  • Healing takes time and a significant amount of effort and you must be willing to give it 100%

  • It is far easier and much quicker to heal when you seek the help of a professional with experience (trust me on this one, i tried it on my own for over 15 years)

  • Supplements are of little use if you do not correct your diet and create an appropriate healing lifestyle

  • Sometimes multiple healing modalities are needed to get you to the next phase of healing

My Mission in my practice here at the wellness center is to uncover hidden health challenges preventing true healing and to educate my clients on how to make lasting changes in their health that are easy to stick with and make a huge impact on their overall wellbeing both physically and emotionally. To take control of their own health using natural methods through dietary changes, stress reduction, the proper exercise, the right supplementation for their body and specific deficiencies or underlying health challenges. To help you create a vibrant life so that you can enjoy all that life offers you.

I believe that health and a life of thriving wellness is among our most valuable possessions and greatest investment in yourself and that anyone can achieve this through the body's innate ability to heal itself given the right nutrients and conditions.

By getting back to the way we were naturally meant to care for our bodies we are able to recover from imbalances and illnesses that medication is unsuccessful in curing.


“The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well.” 


In Great Health,

-Brandy Augustine PhD

"The Gut Healer".....Heal the gut, heal the body