Love yourself and give yourself permission to live life and be happy even in times of struggle!
I see so many clients in my office who have been to fertility experts and gone through years of trying to conceive only to endure unsuccessful treatments, miscarriages and continued unexplained infertility. Over time this can take a toll on your emotional state and become both mentally and physically draining. Always looking for an explanation of why no matter what you do you still cannot have a child no matter how desperately you want and try.
I know this can be a rough time in a couples lives but keep in mind that emotions often times affect the overall body and can lead to unwanted imbalances so keeping a relaxed positive frame of mind is your best option.
I know, I know......this is easier said than done but trust me on the importance of this one. Have you ever heard about those women who tried so hard to get pregnant with no results for years and when they finally stopped trying and accepted the fact that it wasn't going to happen and let it go, they actually ended up conceiving? This my dears is the power of the mind!
Relaxation breeds a more suitable conception environment than stress and anxiety. In this article I will give you some tips on how to stay relaxed and control anxiety throughout your fertility endeavors.
Engage in happy activities. This is anything that takes your mind off of the fertility process and challenges you are going through and focuses your attention on activities that you find enjoyment in such as listening to relaxing music, hiking with your spouse, frolicking at the beach, having friends over for a dinner small quint low key dinner party, snuggling up with your partner and watching a comedy, etc. Take time to smell the roses and enjoy life's little pleasures.
Get plenty of rest! Burning the candle at both ends makes any added stress in life more difficult to deal with. Being well rested allows the body to cope with stress creating less anxiety.
Learn a new craft or skill. Perhaps take up cooking, photography or painting.
Learning a new skill will not only focus your attention on something new but will give you a sense of accomplishment and pride.
Give your self permission to feel upset but to also feel happy. Some women I have talked with feel that the challenges of infertility deserve their full attention and forget that its ok to laugh, be happy, and enjoy yourself.
Become part of a community outside of fertility forums, facebook groups, and the like. Maybe join a walking club or a book club or even a charitable organization.
Learn and practice yogic breathing techniques used to calm the body and bring life into the organs, glands, blood, and cells.
Keep active. Engage in daily exercise to keep stress at bay by taking a yoga class, hiking, running, Pilates, weight training, or even better yet take a boxing class and get some pent up frustration out so you can go home relaxed and renewed.
If you receive bad news take the day and make it a day of indulgence with no regret...crack open a good bottle of wine with the partner and watch a chick flick and eat something sinful, hit that new restaurant you've been dying to try or go buy yourself that new outfit that you have been wanting but was too expensive. Allow yourself to be free for the day without worry of your fertility program, the physical trials that go with it, and the financial burden.
I hope that some of these strategies will provide you with some fresh alternatives to your daily stressful life. Although stress is a natural part of this process how we deal with this stress is completely in our control.
I hope that you will follow my blog posts as I will continue to provide you with as much useful information that I can to help get you through this tough time in your life.
As always........... in good health and happiness,
Brandy Augustine