Alkaline, cleansing veggies for fresh juicing or smoothies!
Hello all! The dreaded week of moving! What to do when your kitchen is all packed up and trying to keep groceries to a minimum for less to move? Well why not make it a cleanse week?
So I started out my Monday with 64 ounces of fresh green juice minus any fruit so I could give my body a break from sugar and to also test myself to see how dependent I am on sugar. So far so good.
Today I went with a mix of celery, kale, spinach, parsley, cucumber, and ginger. I'm drinking 8 ounces every 2 hours with 8 ounces of fresh water in between every hour.
If you are new to the notion of juicing let me break it down for you a bit. There are many benefits to juicing. Especially if it is not something that you are accustomed to.
A Juice cleanse is the most natural and organic method of detoxifying and healing the body. Juice cleanses allow your digestive system to recover from the demands of solid food digestion, while still giving your body the nutrients and minerals you need to thrive, It rejuvenates the body mentally and physically.
Our body easily absorbs the calories in raw live juice, whereas more than half of the calories consumed in our regular diets are unusable or stored as fat, Cleansing resets healthy eating patterns to help curb cravings and overeating.
How to start
If you are new to juicing I recommend starting by adding 1 fresh vegetable juice into your normal diet daily. As your body becomes more accustomed to this type of nutrition you can start replacing meals with juices until you feel comfortable going a whole day on just juice. There is no right or wrong way to juice. Your body will thank you for anything good you give it.
I have many clients all at different stages of healing and lifestyle improvement so some may choose to pick a day during the week and do all juices while others are more comfortable doing several day stretches of periodic cleansing whether it be a 3, 5, or 7 day juice cleanse.
Remember everyone is different and it is best to listen to your body and only do what is comfortable for you.
My favorite go to green juice recipe is
1 head of Celery
1 Cucumber
2-3 large leaves Kale
1 cup Dandelion Greens
1 Lemon, peeled
1 tbsp. Ginger
1 cup Parsley
1 cup Cilantro
2 Apples (can use any type of apple)
Give it a try! There are so many variations of juice you can create!
Leave a comment below and let me know your favorite creation!!